Top n' Tails (2010)
Just because it ain't here yet, don't mean it ain't coming
So won't you just sit tight and hope along
Just because it ain't clear yet, don't mean it ain't stunning, so throw on your top n' tails and carry on
Slow those frames and see
The kind of now you lead
Yea wave goodbye with me to those byegones
Conquer fear & feast, paint the town indeed
Just setting free those byegones
Just because it ain't here yet, don't mean it ain't coming
So won't you just sit tight and hope along
Just because it ain't clear yet, don't mean it ain't stunning, so throw on your top n' tails and carry on
Nevermind your grief, it's in vain u see
Answers in your feet just march on
Right & ready be, cuz opportunity
It's at the door you seek and it knocks on
Just because it ain't here yet, don't mean it ain't coming
So won't you just sit tight and hope along
Just because it ain't clear yet, don't mean it ain't stunning, so throw on your top n' tails and carry on
Just because
It's not here
Don't mean you
Need to fear
Just sit tight
And hope high
You'll march on
With eyes wide
Just because it ain't here yet, don't mean it ain't coming
So won't you just sit tight and hope along
Just because it ain't clear yet, don't mean it ain't stunning, so throw on your top n' tails and carry on