Drink and drown and sing your "C'est la vie's"
Stepping backward, but don't let yourself flee
Let him go, be gone and never be seen
Keep your wits & darling close those knees
Say, "What about love?"
I can see how bad you're broken love
Out there drankin' just to cover it up
But that ain't you my dear, you're playing the lush
Say, "What about love?"
I can see how bad you want that touch
Out there dancing like you're giving it up
That ain't love my dear, you're playing the slut
Say, "What about love?"
Drink and drown and sing your "C'est la vie's"
Stepping backward, but don't let yourself flee
Let him go, be gone and never be seen
Keep your wits and darling close those knees
Say, "What about love?"
I can see how bad you need that love
Out there stumbling like the sun won't come up
My dear it's here so go on, let go that dusk
Say, "What about love?"
Know your worth, don't lay it down
In a bed of youth that don't approach the profound
Owe yourself the same you're passing around
Say, "What about love?"